Trauma Focused Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (TF-EAP)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy?
The Natural Lifemanship model, founded by Bettina Shultz-Jobe and Tim Jobe, views the relationship as the vehicle for change. Beyond a therapeutic model, Natural Lifemanship is a way of showing up in the world and in relationships. One of the core tenants of Natural Lifemanship, is that “a good principle is a good principle regardless of where it is applied.” The principles of Natural Lifemanship transfer interchangeably from horses to humans and vice versa, even though the techniques might look a bit different. Equine assisted psychotherapy is an experiential and embodied therapy that allows a safe space in real time to practice the conversations necessary for healthy connection in relationships while in nature.
What does a typical session look like?
Sessions will take place at Triple Play Farm just outside of Davidson, NC and will be co-facilitated by an Equine Specialist and me. Clients will be offered the opportunity to connect with a member of the horse herd or other animals at the farm, including goats, pigs and chickens to be a part of our treatment team. Sessions can take place out in the pasture, in a round pen or in the barn, depending on weather. Individual sessions last 75 minutes, and couples, families or individuals can also have the opportunity to do intensive 2 or 3 hour sessions. During our time together, we will design experiential activities at the farm that allow us to explore boundaries, relationship dynamics, attachment and connection. Activities could include being in shared space with the animals, observation, leading, grooming, caretaking, riding and other creative ways to engage with our equine partner and learn more about ourselves as individual and in relationship with others.
Why is TF-EAP more expensive than office therapy?
Meeting together with our equine partners at the farm is a team approach, including our equine specialist and our equine partner. The added cost pays for the animals to be kept healthy and compensates them for their time with us, as well as compensates our Equine Specialist who helps to keep the horses safe and well during our sessions.
Do I need to have experience with horses?
Absolutely not. All levels are welcome and encouraged to participate. Many people trying out TF-EAP have never been around horses before, and no prior experience is necessary.
Which days can I schedule on?
Currently I am seeing clients starting at the end of September on Mondays from 8am to 7pm depending on weather and daylight.
Is it safe?
All of the therapists and equine specialists work to ensure that you are paired with an horse partner that is an appropriate match and are intentional about picking certain horses for certain activities. The job of the equine specialist in our sessions is to ensure the horse feels safe, calm and connected throughout the session to help maintain physical safety for the participants. Horses are over 1000 pound creatures that are prey animals, so there is an inherent risk to participation. As with all nature based therapies, there is always the chance of engaging with creatures such as mosquitos, ticks, bees, wasps and snakes. Hazards may include stumbling on uneven surfaces, stings, sunburn, twisted ankle, etc. During our initial meeting, before ever engaging with the herd, we will go over ways that you can take responsibility for your own safety while at the farm.
Do I need to wear special clothing?
When we are working with the animals, we ask that you wear closed toed shoes, and if possible, no dangling jewelry. If we plan to do mounted work with the horses, we will ask that you wear long pants and a shoe with a slightly heeled shoe.
Who have you trained with?
I am currently trained in Level 1 Natural Lifemanship, and am currently pursuing Level 2 training. For more information please check out Natural Lifemanship or the Triple Play Farm website.
Conditions we treat*
Couples Counseling
Family Counseling
Relationship/Attachment Challenges
*This list is not exhaustive. Contact Cait to see how if TF-EAP is right for you

“We are actually asking the horse to engage in ways that are not natural to herd dynamics. Herds are made up of leaders and followers. We are aiming for a relationship in which both the human and the horse get to lead themselves and engage in ways that are characterized by trust, mutual respect, choice, and personal responsibility.”
— Natural Lifemanship’s Bettina Schultz-Jobe & Tim Jobe